Antependium progress

 For the second and third panels of the antependium I had taken photos of the work before the detail lines went in, but then because I’m disorganised I mislaid them before I posted the finsihed pics. Therefore I resolved to start posting the first stage pictures as and when they were done.

So there you are, the fourth panel without the detailing lines added. This one gets to be fourth in narrative order as well as fourth in order of works.

Even a religious numpty like myself can tell this is the annunciation.

There is something quite demoralising about filling in the white backgrounds of these panels. It’s mainly the way that when I turn off the light and go up to bed, I look over my shoulder at it, and in the twilight the white doesn’t show up at all and it feels as though I’ve spent the day doing nowt.

~ by opusanglicanum on April 18, 2012.

12 Responses to “Antependium progress”

  1. Filling in a background is always a killer, isn’t it. Never mind one you can’t reflect on at night….but it looks great!

  2. Beautiful work – really neat! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. I agree, backgrounds are frustrating – still, stick at it, they’ll look great when they’re done!

  4. Ok, first I had to google “antependium”, and then when I realized what it was, my reaction is OMG!!! I’ve often admired the handwork that goes into the hangings and other fabric trappings in churches, but until reading this post it never really dawned on me the work that goes into them. I mean, duh, of course someone has to do all those millions of stitches…. I’m adding my voice of encouragement to virtuosewadventures – this, too shall be finished!

    • oh, it will be finsihed, although it will probably take me the rest of this year. I thought it would be far quicker than it has been as laid and couched work (the ground stitch) is quite fast, but this is far more intricate than the bayeux tapestry style, and its really the lines and details that are taking the time.

      sorry tho – you aren’t the first who’s wondered what on earth an antependium was – I get so wrapped up in my little projects I forget others haven’t done my wierd research

  5. I’m dying of envy over here, just ignore me 🙂

    Seriously though, it looks amazing! You’re so talented


  6. Beautiful work! Now who gets to keep this after you’re done – is it for a church customer?

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