other people’s work

THis one belongs to Liz, who did the three day course at the AShmolean last year.

Liz has done the opus course previously, so her dragon, Wenualt, and the rider St Hilda, are done in a mixture of laid and couched work and opus techniques, using both silk and wool. Her face is opus style but in heavier silk, as Liz felt her eyes weren’t up to the fine stuff, with underside couched silk for the Halo, as seen on the Syon cope.

I’m loving the colour scheme, blue and green is always one of my favourites. Plus you can’t go wrong with a dopey grin on a dragon.

And this is Alice’s first go at laid and couched work, a Freya kit bought at TORM last Autumn

and a jolly good job she did too.


And link in case you fancy coming to a one day class next weekend



~ by opusanglicanum on January 19, 2020.

5 Responses to “other people’s work”

  1. Wow, some talented ladies about, I love both of those.
    Do you still have the Freya kit for sale? I can’t get my iPad to like your shop, I was trying to buy the hounds when you had the kit for sale.

    • both freya and the hounds are still available in the shop, but if you can’t get it to work jsut contact me and I’ll sort you out a private invoice for anything you want to buy

  2. Delightful. And as you say, it’s hard to beat a dragon with a dopey grin!

  3. Hello Tanya Thank you for your reply to my query regarding kits for Freya and the Hounds. I got your shop to work fine this time and have ordered both kits. If you hold any further classes at Nottingham I hope to be able to make it to one of them as dates were not suitable for me last time. I love your work and the costumes that you make. I used to make shirts and pyjamas for my husband back in the day! If I remember rightly I made myself a nightdress to match his pyjamas, Tom And Jerry wincyette!! Yours Jackie jackiedodd@ntlworld.com


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