Stitch along materials list and kit option


This is the dragon I’ve gone with for the front of the stitch along purse, he’s based on a c12th capital from st Pierre chauvigny, France

I missed out the nekkid guy getting eaten.

I’ve gone for a biggish purse, about 7 inches square for the design area, as smaller is more difficult and I don’t want to make things too hard for any beginners taking part. It’s not big enough to be unachievable within our time frame though.

And the leopard for the reverse side will be a surprise.

The kit is listed on folksy and will contain

– wool ground fabric( please note that I will mark out the design unless otherwise specified) 2x12inch square.
– naturally dyed embroidery thread, enough for both front and back designs,braids, and tassels. Five colours plus white, if you’re using your own you want something about the weight of appletons crewel, nothing too heavy.
– needle
– linen thread for assembly
– wax for linen thread
– silk brocade or damask lining fabric
– silk thread to sew lining
– individual colour key

As with the baby dragons no two kits will be alike, since I don’t want two people having identical purses. Some will have minor variations, others will be entirely different colour schemes, so if you would like a red or green dragon, say so when ordering, or tell me here, otherwise don’t bitch when you get what you’re given.

Complete kits are listed on my folksy shop ( button in side bar) or comment and I can send you a paypal invoice. I’ve also listed a simple wooden frame of the sort I use for classes,( frame is uk only) some of the white ramie I use for opus Anglicanum, and some gilded leather strips for appliqué.

If you only want a kit for one side of the purse without the trimmings, leave a comment and I’ll sort it out.

I’m going to post each stage on the first Friday of each month between now and Christmas. So that’s September 5th, October 3rd, November 7th, and December 5th. That’s my time, and could be any time that day, possibly the day before if I’m going to be away for any reason.

~ by opusanglicanum on August 27, 2014.

55 Responses to “Stitch along materials list and kit option”

  1. I’d love to participate but would love a red dragon. Please send a paypal invoice. I am in the u.s.

  2. Yes please – you seem to be designing them faster than I can get to sewing them. Any colour is great. Meanwhile – back to the silk work ‘drapery’! x Paypal invoice great as have new plastic!!

  3. I love how happy the dragon you based it on looks to be eating that guy’s head!

    • Mine is the after picture, he’s happy cos his tummy is full.

      I’d stand back a bit if I were you though, I think there’s a big burp coming

      • I sighed up for the dragon stitch along and have not received anything. I kept getting emails about other people signing up but then nothing. Was waiting for a red dragon kit to appear but it is now October and still nothing.

  4. This is great! I’d love a green dragon and a Paypal invoice. What a wonderful project, I can’t wait to try it.

  5. I love your dragon.
    We’ll see which color my dragon will be as I still have to look into my supply of embroidery yarn. I think I have everything here that I need, even though I may use some chemically dyed thread (that you can buy in any store).
    Am I right to think that there should be a clearly visible difference between the five colors?
    Do you think that about 200 meters of each color would be enough?

    What kind of wool fabric should I use as ground fabric? I have some fabric here that’s thin enough for a summer shirt and some that’s thick enough for a (warm) winter coat (and qualities in between). And: do I need white background fabric to stich on?

    Sorry for asking that much questions, but this is the first time that I want to embroider something and can’t just use any fabric that has the right color.

    • I doubt more than100 of each is needed( I work off my own skeins, I used one if most colours and two of two)best if the colours don’t blend too much.

      You want a lightweight fabric. Nothing too felted or heavy, you could also use a linen, and a coloured ground could be interestin( although not so authentic) I do have fat 1/4 of the wool I use for embroidery on folksy, or if you send me an sae I’ll send you a snippet for comparison. Shirt weight not coat wieght

      • Thank you for your fast reply. I’ll try to find the light white wool I bought ages ago and then stuffed into my closet. That matches your description best. If that doesn’t work out I still have some white linen which would also fit.

  6. I’m still in, but I’m going to have to wait until the first of the month. The US dollar/British pound conversion came out more then I can do until then.

  7. I will be ordering tomorrow (pay day), I hope there is enough time for it to get to New Zealand by September 5th. Our dollar is quite strong right now which makes this affordable. I would like a green dragon please.

  8. I would love to participate, could you please send a PayPal

  9. Sorry -I got excited it looks wonderful and I am happy to have any colour. I am in Australia so hope postage costs aren’t going to be too much.

  10. I’d love to join in, but I have a stash I really need to reduce. Is it possible to only pay for the pattern (either as paper/pdf or marked on wool)?

    • A PDF will be free to download for each part, but if you’d like it ready marked I sell fat quarters of the wool for £10, I can mark it free of charge. Let me know where you are and I’ll send you a paypal invoive

      • I’ll probably go for the pdf. If my plan doesn’t work out, I’ll probably come back with a plea for marked wool.

    • I normally pack things in a nice gift bag, but to keep the postage down I might have to just send the Australian ones in a Jiffy bag, but I figured people would prefer that to and extra three quid post

  11. He looks very cute and tempting now. You may just see me appearing on folksy!

  12. I’m going to have to do some experiments to come up with a non-wool version that I can stitch, but I’m game for that. (It won’t suit the purists, but I’m not a purist.) This will be fun. He’s a very fine dragon and looks far too nice to eat anyone.

  13. Ok, I’ve had a rummage in my stash and I think I’ll use that. He may turn out a little subfusc, but we’ll see what we can do. However, I would like some of the wool fabric with the designs on, please. Could you send me a paypal invoice?

  14. Hello tried to order off Folksy and goofed up! Will straighten it out tomorrow! I’m so excited about this! I’m in the US.
    Thank you

  15. I was searching for your e-mail address to write you a letter and to ask for paypal invoice. I am dreaming about red dragon, which could be a great this autumns project. I am using different addresses for blogging and paypal. So I would be grateful, if you could send me a letter and write, how could I contact with you.

  16. Hello ,I just ordered from Folksy can you let me know if it went through this time?
    Thank you

  17. I would love to take part in this. I wanted to do the Ashmolean course but was away for the first Sunday, so this is my consolation prize. I would like a blue dragon… I love blue. How do I pay?
    Karen in Bath

    • Hi. I can’t actually send you a paypal invoice at the minute because the popularity of the kits kind of caught me on the hop and I exceeded the paypal limit, hopefully it will be verified Tuesday. You can either buy one at the folksy shop( link in the sidebar) or send me £39 +3pp at I can still receive money until I sort it out, I just can’t send invoices) of if you would prefer it I can send an invoice Tuesday.

      Hopefully I will run the opus course again sometime, since several people have said they couldn’t come to this one, but it would be next year. I’m always open to new suggestions for venues if you had somewhere in mind? If you had enough people in an embroiderers guild group I can also come to the venue of your choosing( Gareth has a friend near bath that he’d love to visit)

  18. Kit ordered. I’m good to go.

  19. […] next time I write on this project.) If you want to join in, Tanya’s instructions start with the materials list here, and she also has kits for the project for sale on her Folksy […]

  20. […] Once again I find myself picking up the threads of my life, both symbolically and for real. I really felt the need to sew something, anything! Busy hands … Well, just as I was wondering what to do, serendipity stepped in. A lady whose embroidery work I have followed for a few years now created an online ‘Stitch-along’ making a medieval pouch using wool and plant dyed colours. Here is the project …Dragon. […]

  21. […] first post was the materials list with a picture of the finished dragon. She also offered kits with everything needed but I have […]

  22. […] made some minor changes to the detail stitching from Tanya’s original design. Things that seemed to suit the colours I’d chosen and the personality that my dragon was […]

  23. really haven’t done this in years. How much is “enough” if I’m buying the colors?

    • You don’t need huge quantities, if you’re doing both you won’t need more than two of the smaller skeins of appletons . Don’t buy anything chunky liek a tapestry wool though

      ( sorry it took me so long to answer you, you got randomly filed to spam and I only check it once a week)

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